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Tear Duct Surgery

The tear ducts, which start with two small holes on the inside of the lower and upper eyelids, form the lacrimal sac. The tear ducts open into the nasal cavity with a thin duct. The function of tears is to provide the lubrication and clarity necessary for eye health. Tears protect the eye from foreign objects and nourish the eye. The front part of the eye is constantly washed with tears. With this washing, substances that are harmful to the eye are transferred to the nose and from the nose to the throat through the tear duct. Blockages in the tear duct cause watering and crusting in the eye. In addition, watering in the eye may occur in cold weather. The surgical unit that deals with diseases in this region is tear duct surgery.



Watery Eyes

Normal tear production is very important for eye health and vision. Having too little or too much tear production negatively affects a person's daily life. Eye watering occurs as a result of the inability to remove tears from the surface of the eye. Excessive tear production is usually the result of eye and eyelid infections. Corneal diseases or eyelid deformities are less common. The complaints of patients who apply for watery eyes are evaluated by taking into account the date of onset of the complaint, age factor and other systematic diseases.

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Tear Duct Obstruction Treatment Methods

Probing Therapy

Tear duct obstructions can cause inflammation and watering. With the treatment of probing the tear duct, the tear duct is opened to the nasal cavity. By entering the upper end of the tear duct with the help of a probe, the obstruction at the lower end of the tear duct is opened. General anesthesia is applied during the surgery and the procedure takes approximately 5-10 minutes.

Surgical Intervention (Silicone Tube Placement)

A blockage may occur as a result of the narrow tear duct. A blockage may occur in the small channels in the soft tissues called canaliculi, and the application can be done here without stitches. The silicone tube is kept in the eye for 6 months and then removed.

Surgical Intervention (DSR)

In cases of obstruction of the tear duct, a path is created between the tear sac and the nose with surgical intervention. In the surgery performed endoscopically through the nose, a silicone tube is placed in the tear duct without the need for any skin incision and the opening of the duct to the nose is widened.

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