Prominent Ear Surgery (Otoplasty)
The most common ear deformity is known as prominent ear. Insufficient ear folds and loose cartilage can cause prominent ears.
What is Prominent Ear?
Prominent ear deformityis the most common ear deformity and can be caused by two main reasons. These reasons are insufficient ear folds and loose cartilages. The ear, which is loosened and angled more than 30 degrees with the skull behind the ear, can tilt forward or to the side. Prominent ear can generally occur in both ears, but in some cases it can be seen in one ear. Although a solution can be found for women who can hide their ears with their hair, this is not always possible for men.
Due to prominent ear deformity, especially primary school children have difficulties in their social life and this may have psychological effects. Today, in the development of modern medicine, this problem can be easily solved by prominent ear surgery.
prominent ear disorder, which often occurs as a congenital problem with genetic factors; Especially if the mother and father have it, it is likely to be seen in the person. The reasons for this problem are as follows;
The angle between the bone behind the ear and the auricle is more than 30 degrees,
The loose structure of the cartilages in the ear region,
Absence of folds on the upper side of the auricle,
Having a flat structure of the auricle
Problems Caused by Prominent Ear Deformity
Prominent ear disorder, which is common in the world and in our country, does not cause any serious discomfort for the body. It is an aesthetic concern. Therefore, it is not considered as a disease. However, in terms of aesthetic appearance, it leads to a decrease in self-esteem and a lack of self-confidence. Today, prominent ear is easily treated using modern techniques with the development of medicine. Prominent ear surgery is an important issue for individuals to maintain a healthier social life.
Psychological Effects of Prominent Ear Disorder
Children who are exposed to negative social environment during school period have psychological problems that extend into adulthood. Due to the psychological effects caused by the prominent ear appearance, people tend to cover their ears with various accessories. Complex obsessions occur in people who are disturbed by this issue.
The psychological effects of prominent ear vary culturally. For example, in the Far East culture, it is thought that having prominent ears gives a person a cute appearance and it is not strange. On the other hand, prominent ear is considered a problem in other western cultures and in our country. Due to prominent ears, problems such as depression, decrease in self-esteem and lack of self-confidence can be seen, although it has become a subject of ridicule since childhood. For this reason, when prominent ear treatment is performed at an early age, the psychological effects that may arise are prevented.
It can be performed in the form of local or general anesthesia, taking into account the age of the patient, in line with the recommendation of the physician. The duration of otoplasty surgery can vary between approximately 1-2 hours. Patients can usually return home the same day.
Depending on the surgeon's technique and preference, the operation is usually performed with an incision behind the ear and sometimes without an incision, in accordance with the ear structure. After the cause of the prominent ear problem is determined, the ear cartilages are shaped in general and the operation is performed by repositioning the ear. After prominent ear surgery, special dressing is applied to the patients for 1 week. The incisions made during the surgery remain behind the ear. Therefore, there is no concern about creating traces in terms of aesthetics.
Most Common Auricular Deformities
The most common ear deformity is known as protruding ears. It can be caused by weakening or overdevelopment of the ear cartilages.
The weakening of the upper part of the auricle, turning outwards or flat is called protruding ear. There are two degrees of protruding ear disorder: mild and severe. In mild degree, the anti-helix fold is usually not formed and the upper part of the ear is opened outwards. This is due to the weakening of the cartilages. In severe degree, the surgery becomes difficult because the cartilage is fully developed.
Another auricle anomaly is the condition in which the cartilage tissue (conchal cartilage) that gives shape to the hollow part in the middle of the pinna, commonly known as cup ear, is larger or deeper than normal. In this disorder, the ear folds (antihelix) are complete and the ear is overdeveloped. The ear is turned outwards and appears larger than it is. In some cases, protruding ear and cup ear can occur together; while the folds are underdeveloped, the conchal cartilage can also be overdeveloped.
Another common deformity is excessive development of the earlobe (auricular lobule). Since each patient's ear structure is unique, the ear should be examined and a patient-specific plan should be made before the procedure begins. In some patients, the problem is mild and can be treated with a tension method using thread. In some patients, this method cannot be applied at all because no results can be obtained from it.
Recovery Process After Prominent Ear Surgery
There is no decrease in hearing or hearing loss during and after the prominent ear surgery. Patients who receive local anesthesia during the operation can be discharged on the same day. The dressing process of the prominent ear surgery takes one week. The post-operative recovery process takes a total of 4-6 weeks and during this period, patients should protect their ears from external effects by using a bandana. At the end of this process, the pinna regains a natural appearance and patients continue their normal lives.
What is the Right Time for Prominent Ear Surgery?
The development of the auricle continues from birth to the age of 14, but the auricle reaches 90% of its adult size around the age of 3. For this surgery, it is sufficient for the child to be 3 years old. The ideal time is recommended as pre-school age, but there is no upper age limit for surgery. However, as the ear cartilage hardens in older ages, shaping it will become more difficult.