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How is Mesotherapy Applied?

Our hair roots, like our skin, are fed from the inside by blood vessels. Any situation that prevents the roots from being fed can cause hair loss. The number of hair strands (hair follicles) of each individual is determined from birth. The number of hair strands does not increase over time. However, we can ensure that the hair becomes stronger, of better quality and thicker, thus minimizing hair loss. Hair mesotherapy is a treatment method used to prevent hair loss. At the same time, hair mesotherapy provides the hair with volume and a brighter appearance.

When can hair mesotherapy be applied?

Medicines injected directly into the target area in small doses nourish the hair roots. Natural hair roots stimulate the renewal process with hair mesotherapy. Thus, hair roots weakened by adverse conditions are revived.

  • Androgenetic Alopecia

  • Nutritional deficiency

  • Hormonal change

  • Hair loss caused by disease

  • Environmental factors

  • Loss of vitality of hair follicles

Who Can Get Hair Mesotherapy?

The procedure is mesotherapy, which is applied to both men and women. However, it is used as an effective treatment in women during post-pregnancy and menopause periods when there are significant hormonal changes. In addition, those who experience hair loss due to intense stress can also benefit from this application.

Hair, which is very important in terms of appearance, is encountered with the problem of baldness when it is sparse and weak. This problem can lead to negative effects in social and psychological dimensions over time. In general, women can see the first symptoms at an earlier age than men. Positive results after treatment are seen within a few months.

In Which Situations Is Hair Mesotherapy Applied?

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How is Hair Mesotherapy Performed?

The drugs applied during mesotherapy are determined according to the patient's needs. Injection made directly to the scalp with micro needles stimulates the hair follicles and helps hair grow.

Effect Duration of Hair Mesotherapy

The effects of hair mesotherapy vary from person to person. However, the results are clearly visible within 2-3 months. The treatment begins to show its full effect within 3 to 6 months.

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