How is Mesotherapy Applied?
Mesotherapy is generally known as a skin renewal application. It is used in the treatment of problems such as spots, cracks and anti-aging. Mesotherapy shows its effect by stimulating protein substances such as elastin and collagen, which are located under the skin and are very beneficial to the skin. In the areas stimulated by mesotherapy, blood flow is provided and blood circulation is regulated. Mesotherapy, which also affects the lymph circulation, also regulates the immune system.
What is Mesotherapy?
In Which Situations Can Mesotherapy Be Applied?
Mezoterapi uygulanan bölgeye göre değişkenlik göstermektedir. Saç derisini besleyerek, saç dökülmesini önleyen uygulamaya saç mezoterapisi denir. Yüz bölgesine uygulanan ve cildi nemlendirerek sağlıklı bir görünüm veren diğer tedavi ise yüz mezoterapisidir. İğne fobisi olan kişiler için iğnesiz uygulanabilen mezoterapi mümkündür. Ayrıca mezoterapi uygulaması, selülit ya da bölgesel yağlanma içinde yapılabilmektedir.
How is Mesotherapy Applied?
An examination is performed immediately before starting mesotherapy. After the examination, the patient's condition is determined by taking into account the complaints. Before starting mesotherapy, it is necessary to evaluate the patient's health condition. Blood and urine tests are requested and the procedures are started according to the results.
First, the areas where mesotherapy will be applied are determined by planning. Then, planning is done. The area where mesotherapy will be applied is anesthetized with anesthetic cream. After the area is anesthetized, an injection is made with a micro needle. A mechanical gun is used to make the needles one after the other. The injection, which is applied 1-4 mm below the skin, is made by holding it at an angle.
After the first procedures, mesotherapy can be applied for 3 to 15 sessions to fully maintain the effect. A few drops of solution can be applied to the skin during each injection. Mesotherapy is a treatment that can be applied outpatient. The person can return to their normal life 1 hour after the application is completed. It is generally not a method that requires dressing. However, check-ups are performed at certain intervals as long as the sessions continue.
What Should Be Considered After Mesotherapy?
Blood thinners should never be used after mesotherapy. After the session, the application area should not be exposed to water for 10-15 hours. Because water can reduce the effect of mesotherapy. Since tight clothing can slow down blood flow in the body, it is recommended not to wear jeans or tight pants after the session. It is important not to make any strenuous movements for 2-3 hours. Also, you should not take a bath for 12 hours.