Paranasal Sinus Surgery
What is Prominent Ear?
_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-3194kf-bb-13365cf The psychological effects of prominent ear vary culturally. For example, in the Far East culture, it is thought that having prominent ears gives a person a cute appearance and it is not strange. On the other hand, prominent ear is considered a problem in other western cultures and in our country. Due to prominent ears, problems such as depression, decrease in self-esteem and lack of self-confidence can be seen, although it has become a subject of ridicule since childhood. For this reason, when prominent ear treatment is performed at an early age, the psychological effects that may arise are prevented.
_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-3194- 136bad5c surgery technique and preference-1336bad5cf According to the ear structure, it is performed by performing the operation from the back or the front part of the ear. After the cause of the prominent ear problem is determined, the ear cartilages are shaped in general and the operation is performed by repositioning the ear. Special bands are attached to the patients for 1-2 weeks after prominent ear surgery. At the end of this period, the bands are removed. The incisions made during the surgery remain behind the ear. Therefore, there is no concern about creating traces in terms of aesthetics.
What are the Conditions Caused by Prominent Ear?
_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-36d_5835cf prominent ear, which is a problem; Especially if the mother and father have it, it is likely to be seen in the person. The reasons for this problem are as follows;
Kulağın arkasında bulunan kemik ile kulak kepçesi arasındaki açının 30 dereceden fazla olması,
Kulak bölgesindeki kıkırdakların gevşek bir yapıda bulunması,
Kulak kepçesinin üst tarafında bulunan kıvrımların olmaması,
Kulak kepçesinin düz bir yapıda bulunması.
Kepçe Kulak İle Birlikte Ortaya Çıkan Sorunlar
Dünyada ve ülkemizde yaygın olarak görülen kepçe kulak, vücut için ciddi bir rahatsızlığa yol açmaz. Estetik bir kaygıdır. Buna bağlı olarak bir hastalık gibi değerlendirilmemektedir. Yine de estetik görünüm açısından, kişilerde benlik saygısının azalmasına ve özgüven eksikliğine yol açmaktadır. Günümüzde kepçe kulak, tıbbın gelişmesi ile birlikte modern teknikler kullanılarak kolayca tedavi edilmektedir. Böylece bireylerin, sosyal hayatlarında daha iyi bir yaşam sürdürmeleri için kepçe kulak ameliyatı önemli bir konudur.
What is Polyp, a Cause of Sinusitis?
There are holes on the side walls of the nasal cavity that open to the sinuses. In this area, the sagging of edematous sinus mucosa from the sinus into the nasal cavity is called a polyp. Polyps, which can occur due to chronic infection, allergy, or structural reasons, can prevent the sinus content from draining into the nose, leading to chronic nasal inflammation and nasal congestion. Polyps, which also occur due to familial causes, can also occur as a result of some chronic diseases such as cystic fibrosis and asthma.
Negative Effects Due to Polyps
Polyps can cause nasal congestion, snoring, headaches, sleep apnea, throat infections and difficulty in smelling. They also cause colds and flu infections to last longer.
Do Polyps Require Surgery?
If the polyps are large, they can be treated endoscopically with sinus surgery. With this method, polyps are removed without making a skin incision, while preserving the physiological structure of the nose, and the blocked sinus openings are widened. In this way, the inflammation in the sinus is cleaned and in the event of a possible sinusitis in the future, the sinus content can easily drain into the nose.
Polyps that are removed with endoscopic sinus surgery carry the risk of recurrence if they develop due to allergies. Therefore, regular ear, nose and throat check-ups after surgery are important. However, polyps that develop due to diseases such as cystic fibrosis, asthma or aspirin allergy reduce the success rate with sinus surgery. In patients with chronic diseases, recurrence of polyps can be prevented with drug treatment first and then frequent check-ups.
Things to Consider After Sinusitis Surgery
The dressings to be applied after the surgery are very important. The inside of the nose should be cleaned and the dressings should be done regularly. After paranasal sinus surgery, dressings should be applied twice a week in the first stage. Afterwards, it is necessary to come for check-ups at the times determined by your doctor according to the healing and recovery process of the mucosa in the nose.
The Most Common Causes of Nasal Congestion